Alia Musica Ensemble Premiere

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Commissioned by the Alia Musica Ensemble for the second annual Conductors Festival, a new work for chamber orchestra, Angel Antiphons, received the world premiere on September 13, 2013, directed by Walter Morales. The performance took place at PNC Recital Hall at Duquesne University.

Angel Antiphons was composed in honor of Benjamin Britten’s birth centenary (1913-2013).The work can best be described as a joyous celebration of life and music. The musical material, which consists of two contrasting ideas, propels the spiral-like form whose formal and structural framework reveals ceremonial and ritual-like sections on one end, and more fluid and exuberant ones, on the other. The slower sections in the piece elaborate on a short melodic fragment taken from Britten’s anthem for mixed choir and organ, Antiphon, composed in 1956.