Cantus Jubilus Premiere

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Cantus Jubilus for unaccompanied choir and soloists, received the world premiere on April 30, 2011 at St. Olaf Catholic Church in downtown Minneapolis. In the concert of music for choir and organ, the University Singers of the University of Minnesota under the direction of Kathy Salzman Romey, Matthew Mehaffey, and Matthew Olson, along with St. Olaf Parish Choir with Lynn Trapp as organist and choirmaster, also performed works by Leighton, Van, Holst, Mendelssohn, Trapp, Lowry, Billings, Howells, and Britten.

The University of Minnesota Singers; Kathy Salzman, director

Cantus Jubilus received the 2010 Swan Prize for Choral Composition. The Swan Composer Prize competition, underwritten by the Swans, is an annual event and the emphasis rotates among choral, wind ensemble, and orchestral works. Visit here to learn more about the Swan Composition Prize.