Cleveland Composers Recording Institute

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My new work for cello and piano, Angel Annunciation, was selected as one of six works to be recorded in the 2012 Cleveland Composer’s Recording Institute at Cleveland State University, on July 16-20, 2012. As an invited composer, I had a great privilege meeting fellow composers, great performers, and experience a high quality recording process of my new work.

Special thanks to David Russell (cello) and Geoffrey Burleson (piano) for learning the piece and their marvelous performance. Words of gratitude to Andrew Rindfleisch, the institute director, and David Yost, recording engineer, for all their patience, guidance, and suggestions.

The recording institute is a weeklong workshop in which all featured composition are rehearsed by the resident music ensemble and then produced in a series of recording sessions. Each participant takes an active part in rehearsals, recording sessions, and forum presentations of their works.