Vestiges: Works for Solo Piano

1 minute read

Vestiges: Works for Solo Piano is the latest release in the Discover Series on MSR Classics featuring pianists Geoffrey Burleson, Mabel Kwan, and the composer himself.

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Excerpt from the Album’s Liner Notes

The pieces on this album of solo piano music are arranged in an infinite loop of interwoven historical threads. Earlier pieces mingle provocatively with later ones, and the final and most recent work on the album, of the lake III (2014), ends with an inversion of the sparse opening notes of the first work, of the lake I (2007, rev. 2014). The last piece could lead seamlessly into the first, making it possible for us to circumnavigate the loop again. Listeners may enjoy playing the album on repeat in order to take full advantage of this arrangement, but to understand the evolution of Nagy’s music over the 16-year period covered here (1998-2014), it may be best to consider the works in the order in which they were composed. From that perspective, we may observe Nagy’s progression away from traditional musical rhetoric and toward a kind of music that encourages a contemplative resting in time that is, away from becoming and toward being. The common element in all of this is an intense, abiding, almost ethical obsession with harmonic color.