Book Project

Embodied Mediations

Expanding on the model of embodied creativity that I developed in my first book, I will study the musical implications that mediated sound has on the formation of creative spaces, on the embodied attributes and elements that inhabit these spaces, and on the musicians' experience of them. The primary focus of my book will be to explore how the embodiment of creativity allows for the formation of new creative contexts when making music by means of actions and interactions of the psychological and physical properties of creative processes. Informed by empirical and theoretical creativity studies, in my project I will employ qualitative psychological research along with interactive computer creativity systems and computational models of creativity. I believe my book would contribute to the interdisciplinary discourse on musical creativity.

Theoretical Modeling

Derivation of Pitch Constructs from the Spectral Profiles of Tones

Informed by the empirical and theoretical work in cognitive neuroscience of music and embodied music cognition, the paper proposes a theoretical model for the formation of spectral pitch space. By examining the spectral profiles of tones, the paper accounts for a generative structural principle in identifying pitch templates for the organization of harmonic structure in spectral music. The model is implemented in OpenMusic, a visual programming environment for construction and transformation of functions and data structures.
